Friday, July 26, 2024






Ministry Works
Ministry Works is a men's ministry group at Center Grove Baptist Church.
The men work on various repair and construction projects for anyone in the community. There is no cost for the materials or labor.
Any Deacon
Women's Missionary Union is a women's ministry group that challenges Christian believers to understand and be involved in the mission of God.  WMU,at Center Grove Baptist Church, provides education and mission service opportunities for every age level.  Ongoing Missions at Center Grove Baptist Church include:
     * Lottie Moon International Missions, Annie Armstrong North American Missions, and Margaret Lackey State Missions; Vacation Bible School; Disaster Relief; and local missions involvement.
* Current WMU Projects:
Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child--Once you choose Boy or Girl and the age group, just choose items in each category below that matches those needs such as:  Older Boys would probably prefer a ball instead of a stuffed animal and girls may prefer a doll or stuffed animal.  Remember, all items must fit in the shoebox (boxes provided by the church).  Items to collect for your shoebox:
     -- toothbrush and holder
     -- wash cloth and bar of soap
     -- hair brush and/or comb
     -- crayons or pens/pencils
     -- coloring book or activity book
     -- boy or girl toy (age appropriate)
     -- socks or flip flops
     -- stuffed animal, doll or ball (age/gender appropriate)
     -- an age and gender appropriate item (hair accessories, jewelry, sunglasses, small game)
     -- $10.00 per box (for shipping costs)
Collect supplies for local schools. 
Thanksgiving boxes for needy families during the holidays
Greeting cards and personal items for residents of local nursing homes
Center Grove Community Coat Drive
Baptist Children's Village Dress-A-Child for Easter
Elderly Adoptees
Dishes to Bereaved Families
New Testaments for Babies
Edwina Robinson Special Day Offering
WMU President:  Karen Williams
Date:  the 2nd Monday of each month
Time:  6:00 p.m.
Location:  Church Fellowship Hall